Your Contribution

complete bicycle ambulance costs 690 euros . It would be fantastic if you made an extra contribution to the distribution costs of 50 euros. We will cover the monitoring costs of 20 euros.

You can donate this amount by transferring the amount to IBAN NL18 INGB 0659 0507 73 in the name of Stichting . or order via our webshop: Click here!

100% of your donation will be used to purchase a bicycle ambulance in Africa, focus on Malawi but also active in Zambia

Other ways to support us:

  • free gift to stimulate small-scale logistics projects where sustainability is a priority. IBAN NL18INGB0659050773. The BIC of ING Bank is INGBNL2A

*Your donations are tax-deductible in the Netherlands, we are ANBI registered.


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Transport4Transport is a Dutch foundation that focuses on improving transport in Africa.

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