
About Transport4Transport

  • Transport4Transport is a Dutch foundation that focuses on improving transport in Africa.
  • Our main goal is to improve transport to clinics and hospitals in Africa . We aim to provide 1 bicycle ambulance per 3 villages . The bicycle ambulances are produced in Africa.
  • In addition, we encourage small-scale logistics projects , such as taxi companies, transport of bread to the markets and other forms of transport in relation to sustainable solutions in the areas of water, sun and wind.
  • In partnership of Butterfly Foundations in Central Africa.

What we do?

Production of The Bicycle Ambulance​

Local entrepreneurs take care of the entire production of the bicycle ambulances. This is done with donations from the Transport4Transport foundation.

Transport Ambulances

The bicycle ambulances are distributed in collaboration with local companies such as Sakaramenta in Blantyre and Zipatso in Zomba.

Your Personal Ambulance

If you donate a bicycle ambulance, this ambulance can be provided with your name. This is painted by hand.

Yes, I want to contribute to Transport4Transport.

This is possible!

    • You donate a bicycle ambulance for 690 euros.
    • We take care of distribution and future monitoring.
    • You provide the foundation with a voluntary contribution to finance the costs of other activities in the field of small-scale logistics projects.
bicycle ambulance malawi

Transport4Transport in Numbers

Transport4Transport is a Dutch foundation that focuses on improving transport in Africa.


Bicycle Ambulances






Per Ambulance



We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help someone

transport4africa logo

Transport4Transport is a Dutch foundation that focuses on improving transport in Africa.

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