ANBI Status
As of January 1, 2014, a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) must have a page with information to maintain ANBI status.
Foundation information
Stichting Transport4transport
RSIN or fiscal number
Contact details
Stichting Transport4transport Planetenlaan 879405 PB ASSEN

Mandoloma, Prisca,
Date and place of birth: 11-06-1980, Balaka Malawi
Entry into office: 01-12-2018
Authority: Jointly authorized (with other director(s), see articles of association)

Mweenge, Grace Mulobocoh
Board member, project leader albinism Zambia
Date and place of birth: 01-01-1987, Sameta village Zambia
Entry into office: 01-01-2023
Authority: Jointly authorized (with other director(s), see articles of association)

Scheper, Andries
Date and place of birth: 31-07-1964 Hoogezand-Sappemeer
Entry into office: 01-01-2020
Authority: Jointly authorized (with other director(s), see articles of association)

Kolkman, Jan Freddy
Board member
Date and place of birth: 05-07-1973, Schoonebeek
Entry into office: 01-03-2015
Authority: Jointly authorized (with other director(s), see articles of association)

van der Weide, Berend
Advisor, Fundraiser, Founder
Date and place of birth: 27-05-1962, Coevorden
The policy plan
Stimulating small-scale logistics projects and logistics entrepreneurship in developing countries.
The remuneration policy
No rewards are provided, all activities are based on volunteer work.
The remuneration policy
No rewards are provided, all activities are based on volunteer work.
Financial accountability: See reports

Transport4Transport is a Dutch foundation that focuses on improving transport in Africa.