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April 25, 2023Old endings and New beginnings for Ricky Mwenyewe.

Transport4transport board would like to bid farewell to board member Ricky Mwenyewe who held the post of Vice Chairperson. Ricky leaves to join CISER as the new Project Manager. He is one of the very first people to have started with the T4T organisation and has worked his way up the ladder.
Ricky says being a board member was a hard job as he was part of the decision makers but is glad it taught him patience, perseverance and how to execute his tasks well. Being a board member came with a lot of travelling and in the time when he was a board member he travelled to Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, where he followed up on projects running in those countries. He mentioned he learnt a lot on leadership from his post as a board member.
Ricky’s new post as Project Manager with CISER Community Initiative for Self Reliance – CISER does not mean he has entirely left Transport4transport but rather he has become the bridge/glue between the two organisations. The organisation T4T has been working with CISER for a while now and we hope with this new development it will only strengthen and help the organisations grow and help reach more communities in their endeavour of saving lives.
37-year-old Ricky is originally from Monkey Bay, Malawi. Ricky was born in a family of five, two males and three females, him being the fourth. After losing both parents at the young age of eight, Ricky had to mature fast so as to help his grandfather take care of the family as his elder brother has epilepsy. It affected him as he could not help the family fully. Ricky’s grandfather was involved in an accident which affected his normal walking and working abilities thus led to the young man dropping out of school at the age of 17. He took up fishing fulltime at the lake side which in the past was a part time job. Ricky is married to Emma and together they have 2 children a boy and girl.
He held the position of, Bicycle Ambulance Monitoring Officer for Transport4transport in the whole of Malawi, the former board member for Transport4transport was also a Field Officer for Butterfly Foundation International.
“My life changed in 2011 when the then Chairman of Transport4transport Berend after being friends on Facebook for long asked me how he could help me. We faced a lot of challenges at first but Berend told me to be patient and I was until the formation of Butterfly Foundation International and now we have grown and are still growing, “said Ricky.
He received training for six months on how to repair and maintain bicycle ambulances in Blantyre at Sacramenta hence the name Bicycle Ambulance Monitoring Officer. His duties were to ensure the bicycle ambulances donated to the different villages are and were being used for their intended purpose as well as repairing and maintaining them.
“I am thankful to the almighty for the wonderful team I work and will be working with as we share ideas and experiences together, we are bound to go far maintaining the team spirit we have, “concluded Ricky.
Ricky looks forward to the new challenge ahead and learn. We wish him well and the best of luck at his new post as the Project Manager.
Interview: Carron Tambala